Friday, December 12, 2008

What's It For?

Though I've been considering and scheming about a garden structure for at least a couple of years now, it was only recently during a walk on the beach that my daughter held me to accounts and asked point blank: "What's the building for?"

Here's what I told her:

  1. We want a small space that conducive to creative tasks. A quiet place for knitting, working on a guitar, reading, writing, etc. would be great.
  2. We want a small gathering space to enjoy with friends for a beer, a dinner (with a view!), sit around a fire, soak in a tub, etc.
  3. We want a small spillover space that could be used to house a guest overnight.
  4. We want an indoor-outdoor integrated area that supports a number of garden production activities such as canning.

That's what we're aiming we'll talk about size.


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